The emergence of alcohol addiction is often not perceived as a problem, but at some stage one begins to be interested in the question of how to give up drinking alcohol, which is harmful to both him and the people around him.
Unfortunately, it's not easy to handle this task. Alcohol provokes a whole complex of disorders in the body that negatively affect a person's physical, emotional and mental state.
The fight against alcoholism requires an awareness of the presence of illness, taking and confrontation of problems. For this, one needs strong motivation, support and professional help. For a successful way of addiction, several complex steps must be passed. Clinic experts will help find the right direction for a complete recovery and return to a healthy and rich life.
Alcohol addiction is a treacherous disease that is difficult to cope with. Even during treatment, he recalls for a long time the presence of symptoms of weaning. It is they who intervene in a completely abandonment of the pernicious habit. It is extremely important for a person to learn to recognize the symptoms of weaning in order to have the strength and the ability to avoid decay.
Alcohol refusal causes serious changes in the body. Therefore, even in the sober state, the alcoholic continues to experience unpleasant symptoms:
These manifestations are related to the negative effects of alcohol on the nervous system. Depending on the degree of destruction of the body and the experience of alcoholism, the symptoms may remain throughout the year after abandonment of alcohol. It is very important to learn how to recognize and understand the nature of the appearance.
If a person allows himself to drink, then the symptoms are completely subsided, but then they return and cover with even more power. At the same time, the recovery period is delayed in proportion.
To start an effective fight against alcohol addiction, you need to get acquainted with the process of breaking down and its characteristics. This will help you recognize the problem in a timely manner and maintain sobriety. Lack of knowledge leads to a misunderstanding of the situation and leads to a return to drinking. Competent support and professional advice during this period are of particular importance for a person who enters the struggle for sobriety.
Among the obvious predecessors of the breakdown stand out:
The severity and characteristics of the symptoms are often individual, which causes a person to be more close to his body. Only alertness will help prevent return to alcohol.
The breakdown threatens to reduce all the physical and moral efforts associated with the rejection of alcohol to zero. Therefore, it is important to be careful about the signals of the body and to know the first signs of collapse in order to take timely action and to prevent the return to alcoholism. The first bells that talk about the breakdown approach include:
The appearance of even a few symptoms may indicate that the situation may soon go out of control. This cannot be ignored, so it is better to seek help in a timely manner. Experts are always ready to provide psychological support that can prevent alcohol from returning.
In order to effectively oppose alcohol addiction, the effect of other addictions that may have a destructive effect on thinking, emotional and psyche must be reduced to minimize. The negative effects on the body are able to exercise:
The presence of one or more dependencies significantly complicates the process of combating alcoholism. In order to increase the chances of success and reduce the likelihood of a breakdown, it is better to approach the question of the release of the body from all addictions.
Nutrition behavior affects the emotional sphere and physical health. In order to facilitate a person to deal with the stress that accompanies the rejection of alcohol, it is important to carefully monitor the diet:
Alcohol dependence is the problem at the social level. It is often required to solve a radical revision of lifestyle, a circle of communication, sights and values. Often, in order to deal with pathological adhesion, it is necessary to seriously restore the whole lifestyle: to find a new job and hobbies, to change the environment and marital status, to create a dream and to look for ways to achieve it. Changing the orientation to communicate with people who adhere to a sober lifestyle helps to reduce the likelihood of a collapse.
Physical activity is necessary for the body, which experiences stress. Moderate sports help to restore muscle tone, improve blood flow, saturation of blood with oxygen and contribute to a positive mood. The benefits are useful in fresh air, swimming and even home training.
An important condition for efficiency is moderation and regularity. All exercises should be done without violence against the body and without overvoltage.
I died is an important part of rehabilitation and restoration of the body. In order for it to bring maximum benefit, the rest must be productive. Interesting hours, hobbies, hobbies will bring diversity, help to distract the routine and get out of the state of addiction.
The fight against addiction is not simple. Often on the way to recover are obstacles whose appearance cannot be called expected. You cannot trust the misleading feelings of prosperity and confidence. In most cases, it is a treacherous brain game that lulls the alertness and is looking for tricks that can force a drink.
It is even more difficult when opposite countries appear, accompanied by fear, anxiety and insecurity. The course of thoughts in this case can only be focused on seeking excuses for drinking.
Therefore, it is important to maintain vigilance and clearly understand the ultimate goal - a complete transition to a sober lifestyle. You should not succumb to provocations and regret the path of recovery. Gradually, the power of habit will weaken and the nervous system becomes stronger and stronger. Intrusive thoughts and desires will cease to annoy and experience patience for strength.
It is not recommended to take popular installations:
Often, alcohol dependent people have fun with the illusion that if they do not have the money to buy a drink, then they will stop drinking. That is why they try with all their strength to avoid contact with money: they give a salary/pension to relatives or spouses. But such a tactics of behavior does not solve the problem, wanting to drink, one begins to change behavior and seek an alternative opportunity to get what he wants:
In parallel, a person forms a negative attitude towards such behavior in which he begins to blame the people around him and to close to him. Despite the fact that the decision to relate to alcohol is voluntary, the dependent has confidence that in his case there is coercion and manipulation. At the same time, the subconscious produces alternative scenarios of behavior, sharpens the problem and insists on refusing.
One of the popular plants for alcoholics - I will control the amount of drunk. They are ready to make this promise to everyone for some reason. But the reality is that once the first glass is drunk, one forgets about his promises and completely loses control of the situation. The problem is that an alcohol -dependent person is unable to take control of the amount of alcohol. This internal weakness further inhibits and complements the already impressive list of problems. In this regard, the risk of collapse becomes a constant threat and exacerbates the situation, the fact that the amount of alcohol increases with each recurrent episode and the duration of alcohol increases.
Among the restrictive attitudes that one tries to abuse to give up drinking, there is an attempt to choose a clear day for libration. I will only drink on weekends, holidays or in significant cases, but addiction does not obey the schedules.
The use of this approach leads to an increase in the psychological value of the drink. The expectation of the hidden day in this case becomes the meaning of life and the consequences of obtaining such a forbidden fruit are many times more sad. The alcoholic tries to break through all the time of sobriety, leading to a loss of human appearance and a huge strain on the body.
Another popular but useless method that people are trying to give up drinking at home is a request from relatives to ban drinking. The emergence of the idea of alcohol addicts pleases relatives who are tired of drunkenness, so they enthusiastically try to prevent drinks. But alcoholism and desire for alcohol prevent a person from being consistent in his decisions. Any stress or difficulty immediately causes a desire to drink, while attempts to prevent relatives are caused by aggression and serve as the cause of the scandal. In the midst of anger, the alcoholic loses his adequacy, spreading his hands.
As practice shows that all independent attempts to introduce restrictions or prohibitions of alcohol consumption are a failure. Such methods do not work as they do not affect the root of the problem and do not eliminate the causes that cause a desire to drink. Only experienced psychologists, drug addicts and psychotherapists can provide real help in this situation. Working with it gives a stable result and eliminates the disease.
How to cure addiction
Most people who face alcohol are difficult for disease resistance due to the fact that they cannot effectively go through the weaning period. It is the most difficult and painful period of time. The symptoms of weaning feel particularly bright, which convinces the dependence of the uselessness of his attempts and the internal desire to drink the increase and to increase. In this regard, a breakdown appears, which returns at the beginning of the trip. All efforts and attempts to return to a sober lifestyle go to dust.
In order to overcome all the difficulties and really get to the end, it is important to be patient and overcome this stage.
To learn how to live soberly and get pleasure and joy, you need:
Only the overall work on himself and his life can give positive results and help overcome the difficulties.
Animals installations play an important role in the fight against any disease. Alcoholism on this is no exception. In order to succeed, it is important to properly motivate your own consciousness. Don't think with the global categories - all this, I'm an alcoholic and it's forever. Such thoughts form fear and worsen depression, which already inhibits the body. It is important not to limit yourself to installations and not to be afraid of the future. Everything is corrective, it is dependent to handle it. After restoration, there is a risk of returning to the alcohol past, but it will obviously be less if it is possible to control the situation and reduce the level of internal pressure.
Many popular methods of treating alcoholism are used in the hope of solving the problem. But unfortunately, with their help, it is not possible to achieve a stable result. This is due to the lack of systematic, understanding of the mechanisms and the causes of addiction.
Folk remedies Treatment with folk remedies in its bigger part is not effective and in some cases is a health hazard. Conspiracy, amulets and other shamanic paraffins are meaningless. Herbs decoctions are not able to suppress addiction, but can strike a tangible blow to weakened organs and systems. As the effects of such "treatment", you can gain poisoning, allergies, nervous disorders, kidney and liver disease. The help of a psychotherapist The help of a psychologist is a working method of therapy, but without a comprehensive approach to the problem, it is also pointless. In the absence of adaptation to society, the inability to withstand the temptations, the lack of knowledge of the confrontation of crashes return a person back to alcohol. Coding from alcoholism Coding is a well -known method of treatment. It allows you to deal with physiological adhesion to alcohol, but not all are appropriate. Hypnosis and psychotherapy effects can only be felt by sensitive and susceptible people, and capsules often have a number of contraindications and provoke unwanted side effects (aggression, anxiety growth, depression). In addition, encoding does not eliminate the emotional and psychological causes of addiction, which most often provoke crashes and a return to alcoholism. Treatment for alcoholism requires an integrated approach. Effectively deal with addiction helps to use different methods that can have a positive physical and psychological effect. At the hospital, patients receive the necessary assistance not only to abandon the abuse of alcohol, but also to return to an active and fruitful life. Therefore, work with patients is organized in several stages: Many patients are not ready to admit that alcohol prevents them from living. Therefore, before treatment with them, explanatory consultations are conducted, explaining the degree of seriousness of the harm from the situation of physical and psychological health. With the help of qualified professionals, one undergoes moral preparation for therapy aimed at awareing and accepting the problem. Patients arriving for treatment undergo a course of detoxification. The course uses medicines to restore the body, improve metabolism, eliminate poisonous substances, support the functioning of the internal organs. Using therapy, it is possible to deal with the manifestations of cancellation syndrome without the use of powerful psychotropic drugs. During the procedures, the patient's condition is controlled by a qualified psychologist. Rehabilitation of patients with alcohol addiction is performed in a hospital. An individual recovery program has been selected for each, a course of group classes, personal growth classes, as well as a schedule for visiting the respective specialists is drawn up. It is important to prepare a person who has undergone alcoholism for a new life in society. Psychologists and psychiatrists put new attitudes, introduce unusual patterns of behavior. Experts control the process of resirable, learn to find constructive solutions in difficult situations, to avoid stress, to build healthy and complete relationships. If necessary, patients are assisted in a job search. The modern clinic uses the most modern and sophisticated methods for the treatment and rehabilitation of alcohol -dependent people. They provide professional support all the way to recovery. Its purpose is to prevent the risks of interruption and to return to alcoholism. Experts are focused only on a positive result. In this they are supported by knowledge, experience, human qualities. Do not be afraid to take the first step and contact the clinic where they will help a loved one return to sobriety and forget about the terrible addiction forever.